Training programs start with a consultation going over your goals, events, previous history(training, injury, diet, lifestyle etc) and current health. I will record these things. and decide where we start our programming. This may take 24-48 hours after our consultation.

Requirements include( Heart rate monitor/access to phone and apps)

Why should I get on this training program?

Actual Results

Real world experience. Having coached youth level athletes- to some of the best in professional sport to national and world championships. I want to bring your weaknesses forward, and find what we need to work on for you and your sport or fitness related goals. Training can bring the expected raises in V02 max, increased anaerobic capacity and power, increased aerobic fitness, increased blood flow, reduced heart rate, stronger power output, increased stroke volume, increased fat utilization, increased endurance capability and repeatability. All of these come with training, but it’s important to individualize and strengthen areas that need it.

Every Workout Counts

Every single workout you do is tracked. After each and every session, the effort is then uploaded and evaluated. 


High level conditioning and performance often requires proven and effective training. With this training program, you can expect a science based approach that will be safe, and effective.

What does training cost?

  • Individualized 1 Month Coaching: $450 per month

  • Individualized 3 Month Coaching: $750

  • Individualized Yearly Coaching: $2800 per year

  • 4 Week Strength Program: $200

  • 20 Minute Phone Consultation: $70

  • Lactate Testing: $350 + Travel

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Everyday Counts.