
What is OnTheBox Performance?


OnTheBox Performance is a coaching service designed to meet your personal needs. I, Brandon Hoag, professional athlete certified trainer will be along side you every step of your journey. It consists of several different training/nutrition programs, offering pre-made or completely individualized options. Training programs are available for the cyclists/MTB, triathletes, motocross athletes, distance runner, power-lifting, bodybuilding, physique competitor, and basic 9-5 work person. The programming is done through an application, giving you access to see your fitness improve yourself. Through current literature, study, along with personal experience with real world professional athletes, I have come up with this service to get your fitness where it deserves to be. Get OnTheBox.

I know going into races, that I am truly ready. Not only do you get the fitness improvements, but mentally I am confident before the moto because I know the preparation we’ve done.​ ​He knows​ ​what​ ​works​ ​and​ ​what​ ​doesn’t.
— Joel Hetrick
I started OnTheBox Performance late in the year but immediately felt the change in energy, stamina, and mental advantages. Eating and training right is a huge part of my program and this makes it easy and effective. Very customizable plans make sure you’re getting the right things in for your body to perform.
— Tommy Vossman

There's a plan for everyone.